
June 26, 2009

Word association

This is pretty much what goes on inside of my head most days.

June 18, 2009

Really Summer

Okay so I finished the last of my ESLR reports today.
And my teacher evaluation. And my measurment testings.
I turned in my books and all my curriculum.
Summer at last.
A week late.
But summer at last.

Projects galore... for me and for others.
But I think Im going to have some tea when
I get up tomorrow, and read my book for a
little while in the quiet of the morning. Maybe
on the patio where my little herbs are growing?
Maybe in my newly arranged "den" at the end
of the hallway to nowhere? We'll see.

Then I might be ready for building and making and finishing and computing.

Say hi to my little herbs. I think this is basil. Too small to tell.

June 11, 2009


So its summer time. School's out, which means I don't have to go to work but I still get paid for two months. Okay so technically I still have some work to do over the summer but I thought I'd start with something fun. Like redesigning my blog. Maybe it will inspire me to write some more? I have things to say but either they seem too short and almost duh'ish or too long to make it into my self imposed 500 word limit or too convoluted to unravel in a way that makes sense. Oh bother...

At least the blog looks a little more stylish in my opinion. Nothing like at least knowing you have a space to be creative in.