
September 9, 2005

My new friend

Ive got a new friend. His name is Father Josiah. He's a Priest in the Greek Orthodox Church. Okay maybe he's not a friend yet, but rather an eager aquantance on my part.
It started with a requirement to graduate. I had to take an upper division, non-U.S., interdiscipinary course. I was given the History of Latin america. I mean, I dont even speak Latin (if you didnt laugh that's okay, neither did my Counseler, nor the Registar, nor the lady at the book store...) Ive got nothing aginst Latin America, I just am not all that interested. So I was in the bookstore getting my books and right next to my books I see books for a History of Islam class. HELLO.
So I went back to my counseler and got my class changed after a breif discusion on whether or not a History of Islam class would be a non-US history class. Seems obvious to me but I guess its not.
I get to class. And there's no body there. I was ready to leave until this guy walks in. Big beard, long hair, black robe with a silver cross. My teacher. Father Josiah.We sat and talked about the diffrence between Easter and Western churches, what worship is and C.S. Lewis while we waited for the others who enrolled to show up. No one ever did. We spent the rest of the night talking about our ministries and what the class was going to look like. We scrapped the two books that were originally picked for the class and went with some more dificult and indepth books (like reading the entire 177 chapters of the Qu'ran for the next class). Im going to his church rather than to CBU for our meetings.
When walking out he said that I probably wouldnt want to leave his office. I asked if it was because it was full of books. He said yes. Then I said that it probably smelled like old books too. He said no it smells like pipe. So you smoke? I asked. Sheepishly he said Only in private as if was a little unsure of how I would react being at a baptist school. Can I bring mine? I asked. This class is going to be better than I thought he said. My sentaments exactly.
-Adam Thomas  

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