
December 9, 2005

The Writing on the Wall

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin.
"Numbered, Weighed, and Divided."
A hand appears in the court and begins writing on the the wall. Slowly in fear and wonder they read, M......E.......N.......E, mene? What does this mean they ask themselves. Mene like the small coin? The hand continues on, mene, mene tekel uparsin. Is this a debt owed, the price of something? The King at this point is more than troubled.
And then a boy steps foward
Mene, mene, sire. Your Days have been numbered.
Tekel, sire. You have been measured and found Wanting
Uparson. Divided, sire, your kingdom will be divided from you.
And all this came to pass that very night.

Have you seen the writing on the wall?

Nada serĂ¡ como antes... It will never be like it was before.

Sometimes I feel like the king. Exposed by the hand of another. Measured by so many and found wanting. People wanting to tear the kingdom around me down.
But when I think of Jesus saying these same words... I feel joy.
"Adam" He says. "I have numbered all the days of your life, your joy and your struggles, even the number of the hairs on your head. I know when you rise, and when you sleep, when you go in and come home. I know you in the valleys and the mountain tops. There is no where you can go to excape from my spirit. I have numbered you among those that love and follow me."
"And Adam" He says "I have measured you and found you faithful. I have seen the depth and the breath of who you are, and I love you still. Remeber that I have measured and layed out you course, I and no other. And that those who measured you and found you wanting were using a measure which is not mine."
"And yes Adam" He says "I am going to divide you from your kingdom. All that you've built, all that you've made, all that you've put your hand to by the sweat of your brow, I am going to divide you from it. In fact I've already started. Have you noticed how nothing quite seems to satisfy you? Some things come close, but eventually those seem to loose their luster. My child, if there is a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, perhaps it is because you were not meant for this world. Child let go of your kingdom, release you grip on every thing that you hold dear and sacred and come be a servant in my kingdom. Come be a child of the king. And all of this will change, you will change. And all those people you knew before and all those things you did before will be there when you get back, only... it will be you that has changed"
"Nothing will be like it was before."
"The old is gone and the new is comming"

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