
February 21, 2006

Trust God

I am learning what it means to trust God.
We just went to HS winter camp and the thing that was nost impressed upon me was trust God. When I was praying in the little prayer chapel, the overwhelming thing that I heard and felt was trust God. Then as I left there was a penny right in the doorway that I picked up. I dont think it was there before but it might have been. Anyways, the point is on the top is insribed "In God we Trust". And then about a few hours later I was sitting in the back of the gym durring the worship service and I picked up a little scrap of paper that was laying right in front of me. Two words on it. Trust God. So now I am in the process of putting the "I" and the "My" back into the "We" and the "They" when I say things like trust God. Its for me first when I speak the things of God. Its for me first when Jesus tells me something. Its for me first when the Holy Spirit lays change on my heart. Its for me first, that I need to trust God. Me first, then you next...

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