
September 28, 2005

Wanna Jump?

So we started a sort of home group last night where its just a couple of older people (remeber that I'm involved with student ministries so anyone over 24 seems older to me) and we are reading through this book called "Velvet Elvis". There's no prep and no pressure, just us getting to gether to read aloud and discuss.
In movement one (yes he calls them movements not chapters) its a whole discusion about theology. Not about a particular verse or series of beliefes but rather about the usefulness of theology as well as its limitations.
Traditional study of God has been called "systematic theology." Its a building of one idea on to another. The problem with that is that if one idea is called into question (for example, was Jesus born of a virgin? or is the Trinity a valid way for explaining God?) it shakes every thing that we've built apon it. So we take up arms an begin to defend our walls that we constructed against those who would like to pull certain bricks out and threaten to knock down our wall.
That is when we start to defend our theology. There are whole movements that stand as monoliths on a few such bricks. If we take one brick out and examine or question or doubt it, the whole structure might not survive.
Think of the structure of Calvinism or Aminists. Believe these five or so things and every thing will be alright?
In his book, Rob describes a Christianity that resembles a trapoline.
Thats right - a trampline.
Theology is like the springs on a trampoline. They are flexable and bend and can be taken out and examine. They are useful and have a purpose but they are not the whole point. God is the point and theology, teachings about God, serve to help us have a more right veiw of Him. Its not that we cant know God, its just that we cant know everything about God. CS Lewis says that the important thing is not trying to figure out the Trinity(which we can never do) but rather to be caught up into life with the Trinity.
And Im tired of defending the wall.
I just wanna jump. And I wont have to tell someone how much better my wall is, how its bigger and built with better bricks. I want there to be joy in the involvement that I have with Him. And I want that to be what people see, the joy in my life from jumping around like a crazy man so that when I ask the question, they cant help but be caught up in my excitement and answer yes. What question?
So, do you wanna jump too?
Catch ya'll on the flip side.
Adam Thomas

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