
December 8, 2006

Then there was evening and morning. The second day...

Day number two.
Its not overyet. Its amazing how the unimportant has so much ability to clog the arteries of our spiritual heart. Staring at a computer screen has the ability to numb the spirt, entrap the soul, and cause our bodies to fall almost into slumber.

Delt with my first wierd person who had nothing to say to me. Bye, you'll be missed. Then the wierd long awkward pause as the reality began to show that even though I had tried to explain it to them, they missed what I was saying and really just didnt get it. Dont cover it up. Dont stop what you're doing, don't doubt the ministry. Because I've left, do people think that I dont care about what happens as I leave. Dont you think I know theres a whole that no one is prepared to fill. Theres anguish in my heart over this. When I left Student Venture it took five people to take over my position. Is that pride on my part, I hope not. Rather a realization of two things.

First, God has gifted me well, trained me well, and caused life circumstances to grow me into a very capible and compitent man. I need to be wise in the application of these gifts.

Second, I need to be a man who disciples well, so that when I am called to other things, there are those ready to take my space if they havnt aready begun to push me out. Im almost thinking that no ministry should be even started with out having disciples already inplace to begin learning. Jesus practiced this principle. He called the disciples first, then went about his ministry. This also means that instead of fitting disciples into your busy schedule of ministry, the disciples become what ever ministry you choose to do.

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